How to Get the Best Ultrasound Images

You most likely already fallen in love with the 2D or 3D ultrasound photos that you have. However, you’ve probably seen 4D images in your social media feeds for moms that have gotten elective ultrasounds to get better views of their babies. You’re seeing these images because they are getting more and more popular due to moms wanting to see their babies’ faces before they are born.

These 4D images and videos that you see make the experience much more lifelike than they ever were before.

But before you jump into an elective 4D ultrasound, know that no two moms and no two wombs are created the same. There are several factors that influence the clarity of the images. Knowing these factors will make an enjoyable experience even better.

Placenta Location

The placenta is the organ that develops inside the uterus that provides the baby with nutrients and oxygen. It attaches to the uterine wall in the front or back. If it is attached in the front, it will be over top of the baby’s face, which can make it more difficult to get a clear image. This makes 28-34 weeks the best time to get a 4D ultrasound. Baby isn’t yet squished into the placenta.

If your placenta is attached to the back, it will be under the baby. This means it’s OK to get a 4D ultrasound between 34 and 38 weeks.

The Amount of Amniotic Fluid

The more fluid a mom has in the amniotic sack, the clearer the 4D images will be. High fluid levels are important if the placenta is attached to the front. This is because fluid must be present between the placenta and the baby’s face to get a clear image. Drink approximately 65 to 80 ounces of water each day, every day, of the week leading up to your 4D ultrasound appointment.

Baby’s Position

It’s best for the baby to be head down, which is the position the baby is in, or should be in, before you go into labor. The best images are gotten this way. When the baby’s face is pointing up toward your stomach, it’s easier to see their face. When baby is looking toward the spine, it’s impossible to get images of the face. If the baby is breach, it is hard to get good images, especially with a placenta attached to the front of the uterus.

The Equipment

It’s important that the equipment is good imaging equipment. If a facility has aging equipment, you aren’t going to get the best images.

Sonographer Experience

It’s not easy to learn how to do a good ultrasound. Sonographers go through extensive professional training with several years of hands-on practice so they can do what they do. The tech should also know ways to get baby into the right position so you can have the best images possible. At My Baby You’ll Be 4D, we have the experience and skill to get the best images.

Other Factors That Influence 4D Ultrasounds

There are additional factors that affect image quality, such as umbilical cord location, the mother’s body fat content, and the position of the baby’s hands and feet.

However, we are dedicated to making sure we provide the best imaging for all clients. Contact us today to book your appointment.

My Baby You'll Be