Early Bonding with a 4D Ultrasound

4D ultrasound is an elective procedure that uses sound waves and time to take a look inside the womb at the baby in real-time. When you opt for a 4D ultrasound, detailed video of the baby is captured. Everything from facial expressions to gender can be seen in 4D. What is more amazing is that you get to see your baby move and even suck his or her thumb.

While some women don’t have elective 4D ultrasounds early in their pregnancies because there isn’t much to see yet, many like to come in at certain points throughout the pregnancy to document the miracle growing inside of them. This results in a very unique bonding experience.

What to Expect from a 4D Ultrasound

The process is very simple and you are kept comfortable throughout the process. This can be a very emotional experience because you get to see your baby in a way that traditional ultrasounds don’t show.

While the images are different, the process is the same. Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience of seeing your baby.

How 4D Ultrasounds Encourage Bonding

In one study, 133 pregnant women with a mean maternal age of 29.81 years took part in their routine first and second trimester ultrasounds in Bulgaria. All of the participants had normal pregnancies and the babies had no fetal abnormalities. The women were asked to complete a two-part questionnaire. The first questionnaire focused on the womens’ understanding of the different imaging types, the level of maternal-fetal attachment and scan expectations. The second questionnaire was completed after the exam so that each woman’s impression of the scan and how they felt about their unborn child could be assessed.

Approximately 50% of the women didn’t understand the differences between 2D and 3D ultrasound, but a majority said that maternal-fetal bonding improved.

In a world of 4D ultrasounds, the imaging is state-of-the-art and continues to get better. 4D allows you to see features that you can’t see in 2D and 3D ultrasound. If 2D and 3D ultrasounds improve bonding, imagine the impact being able to see your baby’s face will do for you.

Contact a Caring and Experienced Baby 4D Ultrasound Office

With the state-of-the-art technology that we use at My Baby You’ll Be 4D, you will undoubtedly bond with your baby. This is an excellent opportunity for you to bond while obtaining the peace of mind that seeing your baby gives you. Call us today at 304-948-7521 to schedule your appointment.

My Baby You'll Be