How to Prepare for Your 4D Ultrasound

You’ve either made your appointment or you are getting ready to and you’re wondering what you need to do to prepare for this special meeting with your baby.

Well, you’re in luck because we are going to tell you how to prepare for your 4D ultrasound.

Making a 4d Ultrasound Appointment

When you make the appointment, schedule it for a time of day when the baby is most active. When your baby is awake and moving during the ultrasound, it makes the experience a lot more interesting. You will have a better chance of seeing those adorable facial expressions, eyes opening, and maybe even some smiles. If you don’t know the gender but want to know, it’s also more likely baby will put his or her hands or feet down if the view is being blocked.

Tips Leading Up to Your 4D Appointment

Some additional tips to help you include:

  1. Drink plenty of water the week leading up to the appointment.

    The more hydrated you are, the more fluid there will be in the amniotic sack. This also helps with image clarity.

  2. Eat or drink something containing sugar before the appointment.

    If you are a gestational diabetic, this isn’t recommended. If you don’t have gestational diabetes, go ahead because this will help the baby be more active during the ultrasound.

  3. Wear pants, not a dress to your appointment

    This is a trans-abdominal ultrasound, which means it is done over the stomach. If you wear a dress, it will have to be pulled all the way up, exposing your bottom. If you do wear a dress, we can give you a blanket.

  4. Empty your bladder before the appointment

    A full bladder can take up room and that can affect the images of the baby. You want to free up as much room as possible, so go to the bathroom and completely empty your bladder. This will also make you more comfortable during the 4D ultrasound process.

  5. Bring any information regarding your prenatal care

    It’s good to have this information handy.

  6. Invite your friends and family

    This is an exciting time, so your significant other, children, parents, and others you care about might want to share in the joy.

This is an incredibly exciting time and one that should be made special. At My Baby You’ll Be 4D, we help you make the moment a memorable one for you and anyone that you invite.

Contact My Baby You’ll Be 4D today!

We serve Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia moms that want to meet their babies in this revolutionary way. Go ahead and book your appointment today and let us help you make memories.

My Baby You'll Be