Let's Talk About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness during pregnancy is perfectly normal. In fact, it is one of the first telltale signs of pregnancy. Many women will take the pregnancy test because they’re feeling a little “green.” It’s common to start feeling sick between six and eight weeks because this is when the pregnancy hCG is really starting to climb. This hormone helps build the placenta. At the same time, estrogen kicks into high gear. The hormone changes are so rapid that mom simply feels sick.

This usually starts to go away during the second trimester, but some women feel sick during the entire pregnancy because of sensitivity to hormones.

Here are some ways to deal with morning sickness:

  1. Allow yourself additional time to get up in the mornings so you can get out of bed slowly. It’s good to keep some crackers, dry cereal, or even Ginger gum on your nightstand.

  2. Eat small meals throughout the day. Don’t let yourself get too hungry or get too full.

  3. Drink plenty of fluids.

  4. Rest, but don’t nap after a meal because this can increase the nausea.

  5. Don’t eat spicy or greasy foods. They just make it worse.

Morning sickness might seem hopeless, but the truth is that it isn’t. You can effectively manage it so you can function from day-to-day.

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