5 Pregnancy Myths Debunked

Pregnancy myths bring about a lot of anxiety in expectant moms. That’s why we need to debunk some of those myths. The last thing you need is unnecessary anxiety during one of the happiest times of your life.

So here we go:

Myth 1: Pregnant Women Should Avoid Stress

Women used to be told to avoid stress, but research has shown that it’s not necessarily bad for the fetus. A mild to moderate amount of stress actually accelerates the fetus’s nervous system development. In one study, the two-week old infants of moderately stressed moms were compared to the two-week old infants of stress-free moms and the babies of moms that were stressed during pregnancy had brains that worked at a faster speed.

Myth 2: Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Eat Seafood

Smarter kids come from moms that eat seafood that is low in mercury and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that the children of moms that ate at least 12 ounces of seafood a week during pregnancy have higher IQ levels, better motor skills, and even better social and communication skills.

Myth 3: Bed Rest Prevents Miscarriage

20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage without any explanation. Sometimes, a miscarriage is from a genetic abnormality that is no one’s fault. These are pregnancies that are doomed the moment conception happens. bed rest does nothing to change this outcome.

Myth 4: Heart Rate Determines Baby’s Gender

Many people believe that the fetal heart rate is an indicator of gender. Some people think that if the heart rate is faster, it’s a girl and, if the heart rate is slower, it’s a boy. There are only two ways the baby’s gender can be determined - amniocentesis and ultrasound. We do gender sneak peek DNA Testing as early as 8 weeks so you don’t have to wait longer than you want or need to. We even carry gender reveal party supplies.

Myth 5: Avoid Exercise While Pregnant

Babies benefit when their moms exercise. Research shows that babies born to women who exercised regularly during pregnancy had slower heart rates, lower birth weights, and even had higher IQs because their brains get bigger.

So, don’t worry about some of the old ways of thinking. The research is there and shows that these things are myths. Now that you know they’re myths, get out there and eat some seafood, get some exercise, and don’t stress yourself out more by avoiding a moderate amount of stress. In other words, live it up while you’re pregnant. You just might end up with a fit honor student.

My Baby You'll Be