Fetal Movement During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is hard, but nothing can rob you of the joy of feeling your little one punch, kick, wriggle, or even hiccup.

Yes, we know those 3 a.m. hiccups are both adorable and irritating to a tired mom-to-be. Just be glad it isn’t heartburn.

Those movements mean that the life growing inside of you is energetic and full of life.

Common Fetal Movement Questions

Fetal movement can cause moms to have a lot of questions about what’s going on inside. You might me wondering:

  • Is baby moving enough?

  • Is baby moving too much?

  • Does my baby have three arms and four legs (because it feels like it)?

  • Is this much movement driving up my baby’s heart rate in a negative way?

These are all good questions. The truth is, all babies are different. They move differently and make you feel doubts you don’t want to feel. Every baby is going to move more than another or less. As long as there is movement, there is good news.

As far as your baby having multiple limbs. There’s a good chance an ultrasound would pick that up by now. If ever in doubt, you can ask your doctor. You can also come in and see us for a 4D ultrasound that gives you peace of mind and a keepsake.

Take a Look When In Doubt

Any time you get an ultrasound, medically or as an elective, you receive peace of mind. There’s nothing like being able to see your little one. If he or she is moving a lot, then you can see this first-hand on a 4D ultrasound. You can see the thumb sucking, facial expressions, and even get an idea of how much hair is on that little head.

My Baby You'll Be